Saturday 16 May 2020

How to setup a shared folder in ubuntu? Samba Shared Folder

Setting up the Samba File Server on Ubuntu/Linux:

1. Open the terminal
2. Install samba with the following command:  sudo apt-get install samba cifs-utils
3. Configure samba typing: vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
4. Set your workgroup (if necesary). Go down in the file, until you see :

# Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of 
workgroup = WORKGROUP

5. Set your share folders. Do something like this (change your path and comments)

# Ninja's share
  comment = YOUR COMMENTS
  path = /your-share-folder
  read only = no
  guest ok = yes

6. Restart samba. type: /etc/init.d/smbd restart
7. Create the share folder: sudo mkdir /your-share-folder
8. Set the permissions: sudo chmod 0777 /your-share-folder
you are all set in ubuntu

From Client Ubuntu PC:-
1. Open a folder explorer
2. Select "Other Locations" at the bottom left
3. Enter the following URL into bottom text box of Connect to Server
4. You will see a pop up to fill in the the password under Workgroup
just key in anything like 123 as the password
5. Done.

p/s: copied from

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