Wednesday 24 May 2023

error: (-217:Gpu API call) no kernel image is available for execution on the device in function 'call'


terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'

what(): OpenCV(4.4.0) /data/opencv_contrib-4.4.0/modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/grid/detail/transform.hpp:312: error: (-217:Gpu API call) no kernel image is available for execution on the device in function 'call' /data/client/scripts/ line 1: 192338 Aborted (core dumped) /main 1 rtsp://localhost/test1

Check opencv compilation -DCUDA_ARCH_BIN="7.5" or "8.6" or "8.9"
  • 7.5 is for 2080ti
  • 8.6 is for 3090
  • 8.9 is for 4090

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