Thursday 28 February 2019

Softmax Intuition

Given a classification model, the output will produce the confidence score for each class instead of the original value of forward propagation.

For example, model predict a = -10, b = 10, c = 1.
Softmax will convert the output to confidence score as following.
a1 = e^a / (e^a + e^b + e^c)
b1 = e^b / (e^a + e^b + e^c)
c1 = e^c / (e^a + e^b + e^c)

As a result, the model will produce the confidence score of class a, b, c as a1, b1, c1.

[image source:*eqQuFgXPUP5L6J_vVH19wg.png]

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